Friday 16 August 2013

BBA: Beverly Dírty Dance

Clearly the mixture of alcohol and the high from their glorious Wager victory had the young Beverly feeling extra frisky.

As the old R Kelly song goes "I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind". This seems to be exactly what she was thinking when she spent the evening turning the Ruby living room into her own personal dance club. Each and every one of her fellow Housemates were treated to their own private freaky dance.

She also had a raunchy dance session with her boo Angelo. With his arms around his woman the duo started to gyrate without a care in the world. But soon enough the South African tired out and decided to plant himself on the couch but Beverly was like the energiser bunny - she just kept going and going.

Evidently all of that dirty dancing made the Nigerian hot under the collar, literally, as she stripped off her top and continued with her raunchy dance session in her bra. Woo hoo, that Beverly she is not a shy one is she?

So what did you think of Beverly’s raunchy dance; So sexy or Too dirty?

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